EPDM (ethylene propylene diene monomer) rubber is a synthetic rubber which has been used globally since the 1970’s for a variety of purposes ranging from automotive door & window seals, o-rings, gaskets, inner tubes, and waterproofing. Its flexibility and resistance to heat, ozone, and weather have seen it flourish as a waterproofing membrane throughout the northern hemisphere.

EPDM as a waterproofing membrane in Australia has seen a troubled life. Initial imports of EPDM membranes into Australia exhibited high shrinkage rates causing major installation failures. Subterranean and water storage installations showed no such failures so the use of EPDM was pigeonholed into this narrow band of applications. Recently we have completed testing with some newer (15 year old) EPDM membrane compositions and found a material that doesn’t exhibit this shrinking property.
Presently we are limited to our installation cases of EPDM to ponds, planters, and ballasted roofing systems due to our inability to achieve permanent adhesion to substrates. We are currently working with our EPDM supplier (Membranes Australia) to develop an adhesive which will allow us to use EPDM in the same ways as we currently use butyl rubber.
Our EPDM system uses large format rolls reducing material joins which can be made via vulcanisation, chemical adhesion (with splicing tape) similar to butyl, or by utilising the inbuilt thermoplastic edge strip.
Ballasted Roofing
EPDM rubber is perfectly suited to ballasted roofing systems as it has the ability to be factory & site manufactured into large panels. Ballasted roofs only require temporary adhesion at the edges & any penetration detail allowing for super fast installations of the waterproof membrane. The adhesion requirement becomes negated once the ballast is applied.
Ballasting of an EPDM rubber roof can take many forms, from simple stone to elaborate living roof systems. The Waterproofers have extensive experience in detailing and installing these roofing systems including working with horticulturists and landscapers to achieve the most detailed living roof.
Ponds, Planters, & Water Storage
EPDM rubber has been used globally for water storage systems since the 1970’s. In its vulcanised or thermally bonded form, EPDM rubber is suitable for the storage of potable (drinking) water. Our EPDM rubber also possess US-FDA approval for use with foodstuffs. It can also be made to suit most shapes. We use Beutyliner liners for our ponds, planters & water storage systems.
When building a planter, any shape can be achieved providing the walls are vertical and the base is horizontal. Any number of changes of shape can occur with those boundaries. We can also plan and implement internal drainage systems to assist plant growth and excess water evacuation.